Tuesday, December 2, 2008

355# Yellow Fin on ATD-30

San Diego Long Range: Jack Nilsen of Accurate Reels reports that his recent 11-day trip (fly-back option from Cabo San Lucas) aboard the Red Rooster III produced the largest tuna ever caught on one of his Accurate 30 reels. He said Capt. Andy Cates found the school of big tuna and called in many of the other fleet boats from San Diego. The Royal Star with Capt. Randy Toussaint arrived, and one of his anglers, Dennis Williams of Carlsbad, landed a tuna that weighed 355 pounds on the boat's scale. If it weighs in at that at the dock Wednesday morning, it won't be any kind of record, but it will be one of the Top 10 yellowfin ever landed. On the Red Rooster III, Judy Montague of San Diego was handed a hooked tuna, one that she then fought for a long, long time. Hand-offs are not eligible for world record status or even jackpot status on the boat. “She fought it the normal way, did a nice job without any undue assistance from the crew,” Nilsen told Bill Roecker of FishingVideos.com.

Bill Roecker

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